About Brain Trust Legal

Brain Trust Legal's Mission

Brain Trust Legal is an attorney-owned law firm growth consulting company that provides services, guidance, and accountability to motivated law firm owners of all sizes who want to grow and improve their firms. We help attorneys achieve their firm growth goals through our Mastermind groups, our law firm consulting program, and our conferences and events such as the yearly Summit and monthly webinars.

The BTL Vision

As the only law firm growth consulting company owned by two attorneys who are currently running successful law firms of their own, Brain Trust Legal’s goal is to provide their road map of success to lawyers and law firms of any size who want to provide great service and be competitive against national firms.

What Matters to Brain Trust Legal

Founders and successful law firm owners Rob Levine and Darryl Isaacs are united in their goal to provide attorneys the skills that law school never taught them, such as Marketing, Management, and Operations. Rob, Darryl, and the BTL team are dedicated to the principles that have made their firms successful for over 50 years combined:

  • Attorney-Led Growth- There are many growth and consulting programs, but Brain Trust Legla is the only one created and run by currently practicing and successful attorneys and law firm owners. Other programs have coaches and marketers and business experts who have knowledge, but lack the experience of running a firm. That one distinction makes all the difference.
  • Data-Driven Improvement- Many strategies that come from coaching programs have been applied from broad business and psychological principles, but those don’t always perfectly align with the specifics of the legal industry. That’s why all the strategies, suggestions, and improvements that BTL recommends come out of successful implementation in Rob’s and Darryl’s firms. There’s no guesswork or theory involved, only a clear track record of success.
  • Consistent Accountability- Most advice that will improve a law firm isn’t a secret and it isn’t magic; it’s simply not put into effect by the law firm owners who receive it. A central part of BTL’s plan for success involves consistent meetings, updates, and timelines for implementation of the growth and improvement measures. Providing solutions is only the beginning; ensuring that you’re motivated and able to enact those solutions is what makes the real impact.

The Birth of Brain Trust Legal

Rob and Darryl were law firm owners first and foremost. For the first 20 years in business, they focused on growing and improving their businesses. With continued growth and industry success secured, they both found themselves drawn to other related interests. Both Rob and Darryl wanted to share the knowledge they’d gained in their years of trial, error, and success. They began doing so through joining MasterMind groups and doing speaking engagements. They both began to recognize that the hard work and business success they’d put into their own firms wasn’t something that many lawyers naturally knew how to do. That’s when the idea began to form.

darryl and rob

Brain Trust Legal: Turning Lawyers Into CEOs

Brain Trust Legal (BTL) was born from a simple truth: that talented, hardworking attorneys needed a way to grow their law firms into successful legal businesses and turn themselves from lawyers into law firm CEOs. The idea for BTL came to attorney Darryl Isaacs in the aftermath of a serious and life-changing accident that left him with a long road to recovery and a new view on his calling in life.

He wanted to give back and make a difference, and he started with his own industry. The success of his firm, Isaacs & Isaacs, since the mid-1990s provided him with the experience to help other attorneys grow and improve their own firms. He just needed to find the right outlet.

Why Legal MasterMinds Are Vital for Law Firm Growth

That’s when he started his first MasterMind group in 2016. It had a dozen members, including future BTL co-owner Rob Levine (of Rob Levine & Associates) as its first member. The MasterMind group was a place to share ideas, air frustrations and concerns, be vulnerable, and connect with like-minded people. It was an immediate success, and the MasterMind program quickly expanded from one group to five groups and nearly 75 members who attend monthly Zoom meetings and twice-yearly in-person events.

BTL’s Annual Summit for Lawyers and Law Firms

Darryl knew that lawyer-owned and lawyer-driven training and education was the key to helping attorneys with the issues they struggled with most: effective marketing, responsible management, and efficient operations. They needed a place to learn the things that law school didn’t teach them, the things that would help them be competitive against other lawyers, national firms, and legal industry companies. That’s when the Brain Trust Summit was born.

The yearly in-person event brought lawyers from across the country to network, share, and learn from legal experts and luminaries like Ben Crump, Andrew Finkelstein, Joey Low, and more. The Summit began in 2022 and was an immediate success.

darryl speaking to large audience
darryl issacs and rob levine

Combined Experience from Two Legal Authorities

At the second annual Brain Trust Summit, Darryl and Rob Levine recognized that their combined experience and skills could help even more attorneys, and they partnered for the new BTL. This partnership doubled the experience, the size of the team and resources, and it opened BTL up to new opportunities to help lawyers. The first of those new opportunities was BTL Consulting.

Darryl and Rob, along with their team of department directors and experts, work directly with individual firms to analyze and evaluate their operations. From there, the BTL team creates individualized custom plans and strategies and works with those firms to implement changes and improvements.

Darryl, Rob, and the BTL team are proud to have created a company founded and run by attorneys whose sole objective is to give good attorneys the chance to get the business and financial success they deserve. As the company continues forward and branches into new opportunities and offerings, that same ethos will drive the company’s decision-making.

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