Brain Trust Legal

Annual Summit

Your Annual Law Firm Growth Manual

Begun by Darryl Isaacs in 2022, the annual Brain Trust Legal Summit was designed to give attorneys and law firm owners a yearly place to gather for new updates and innovations in law firm tech, powerful presentations on law firm growth and improvement, and a chance to network and learn from others who understand the challenges of owning a successful law firm.

The inaugural year was in Las Vegas, followed by a sophomore event in Nashville, Tennessee. It was during that second year that Darryl and his longtime friend and fellow law firm owner Rob Levine partnered up to expand the scope of BTL and the annual Summ

Why Come to the BTL
Annual Summit?

A truly successful law firm doesn’t find success on its own. Rob and Darryl have spent a combined 50+ years in the law firm business, and their success was built on three factors: determination, focused effort, and willingness to learn.

From mentorships to MasterMind groups to industry events to the painful process of trial and error, the BTL founders understand that a successful business is not a goal you achieve, it’s a process you work at every single day. They have devoted their time and effort to create a company that helps lawyers avoid the struggles and pitfalls they’ve suffered, and steer them towards success. The BTL Annual Summit is a central part of that process.

How the BTL Summit Helps Grow Your Law Firm

Darryl and Rob have long understood the need for a consistent place to provide growth and improvement strategies, as well as to provide accountability for implementing change.

The BTL Summit does this and more through several elements:


Industry Speakers and Legal Luminaries

Every year, the BTL team finds skilled experts and gifted speakers to fill the two days of presentations. Many of the presenters are currently practicing lawyers who share the tips they’ve learned from years of successful practice. Others are experts in fields like trial science, recruitment, business operations, and more, while some presenters are renowned public speakers providing key insights into psychology, persuasion, and marketing tactics.


Up-to-Date Technology and Industry Innovations

Technology gets faster, more complicated, and difficult to keep up with every day. That’s why we plan specific presentations, breakouts, and vendor representation to help attorneys understand and navigate complex fields like information technology, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and more.


Vendors & Exhibitors

Beyond the presentations, breakouts, and networking opportunities, BTL prides itself on a selective and thoughtful exhibitor area for each event. Sponsors and vendors of the event come to the event to present their opportunities, products, and programs designed to make your firm run smoother, your cases settle higher, and your marketing efforts produce better. Interact, learn, and set up meetings with vendors to build the highly functioning firm you want.

The Power of the BTL Annual Summit


No matter what step of the law firm growth journey you’re on, the BTL Summit has something for you.

Many attorneys plan their trip to the BTL Annual Summit with their marketing and management team members so the planning and vision for the future of the firm can be seen and created by the whole team.

Keep on top of updates about the event dates, locations, and the content and presenters by providing your information in the form at the bottom of this page to be added to our Events Update Mailing List. We’ll even throw in exclusive recordings of Rob and Darryl’s BTL Annual Summit presentations as a free gift for signing up!

Watch BTL Summit Presentations

Want to know what all the fuss is about? Then you should check out some of the presentations from previous BTL Annual Summit events!

If you would like to get free access to BTL Annual Summit presentations from Darryl Isaacs and Rob Levine, please fill out the form below and we will email you a link to access the recordings:

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